Wednesday, November 30, 2005

christmas and other type shopping

I just got my sister and brother in law their christmas presents and I am pscyhed! P-S-Y-C-H-E-D! I unfortunately cannot reveal my genius in choosing these gifts because one day I will give my sister the url for this site that she keeps asking for, and it may actually happen prior to December 25th. But trust, tis good.
Not-too-terribly interesting facts learned yesterday:
1) The Urban Outfitters at Tysons cannot hold a candle to the Georgetown one.
2) Banana Republic Petites pants are a bit short for me, which is ridiculous (I'm 5'2")
3) Gordon Biersch makes yummy garlic fries
4) I sometimes am capable of making rational shopping decisions

Monday, November 28, 2005

work makes me happy - for real, i swear

i love it when the person i am screening for a certain position is working on the same project but not within the field of her true passion because her firm is not bidding on that portion but oh! we are! and we want to hire you to win it! and work on it! and when we uncover this wonderful coincidence we both make little squeals of joy that we have a winner! sometimes being a recruiter is fun.

Friday, November 25, 2005

grateful and more grateful

part one..for things that I am thankful.
my dear, warm, funny, smart, engaging, beautiful, stressed out, family.
husbands who go pick up grandmothers when the rest of us are fighting over sweet potatos. brody the dog who I got to walk in the snow in the mountains past the horses and the smoking chimneys. friends, new and old. my twin fighting ninja kitties. fireplaces. big screen tvs with football surrounded by two generations of the family men. good books. actual houses with driveways that I may soon be a proud owner of.

part traditions.
i've decided to start a tradition of traveling each year on my birthday. when I was 26, I went to Louisville for the Kentucky Derby. Last year, at 27, I went to San Francisco...and then to the Derby yet again. A blissful 12 days away from work. Sigh. This year, Im leaning toward California again, but I'm also leaning toward...Seattle, Boston, Jackson Hole, Italy, Greece, Spain, Sweden and...well, yeah, some others. Also considering a three week cross country extravaganza, but I have a sneaking suspiscion that will wait for 29. But that won't stop me from starting to map that trip now.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

went to taste of saigon for lunch...

and had small beef pho. Now I have an insatiable desire for more PHO! more PHO! more PHO NOW! pho pho pho pho pho!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

sometimes it hurts

Its very hard to remain above the fray sometimes. Very hard to stick to your guns. Very hard to shun jealousy. Very hard to recognize what is not yours. Very hard to stand tall when others find success in methods you find less than forthcoming. Very hard to get the sticky goop from your skin after medical procedures involving sticky goop. Also very hard for those of us who's lives have spanned the old and the new in this crazy technocentric world - very hard to remember boundaries and not read too much into the void or lack thereof.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

gubernatorial is a funny, funny, word

Congratulations, Virginia, we have a new governor, Tim Kaine. Good show, I say. But Bill "the most conservative VA senator" Bolling as Lt. Gov? Really? And we don't even have an Attorney General yet, too close to call. But still, Kaine, yes, I love you fellow Virginians, you rock my sox.

Monday, November 07, 2005

oh ick

good lord, im so mentally diminished (my new pc term for retarded, used only in a joking fashion). Ahem. one little comment on a barely read blog regarding the author's, not my, physicality, and I start to rethink my own committment to fitness, second guess reasons behind our demise as a twosome, and generally want to bang my head against the wall until THAT burns enough calories for me to consider myself in shape again. i am too fragile sometimes.

one cat, two cat

I got a second cat over the weekend. She hid under the bed all day yesterday, and does not seem to have emerged over the night, nor this morning. I wish I had been able to stay home today, but no, meetings meetings meetings. I fully expect to come home to a wrecked apartment, complete with cats on the ceiling. We shall see. My baby girl kitty Tasha seems to have her head on straight about this whole intruder thing...something along the lines of, if I can't see her, she must not exist.

Friday, November 04, 2005


I finished the new Jennifer Weiner book yesterday. Didn't really improve any. Also plowed ahead in the James Frey book, which I still love. Can't freaking wait to see Walk the Line, also excited about Jarhead, Sam Mendes' new film starring oh yes you are so freakin fine Peter Saarsgard. And his girlfriend's brother who's also a sexy sexy man, Jake Gylenhaal. What is up with all the vowels, boys? November is stacking up to be a crazy month with work, school, family, travel, and the addition of a new pet to my little family. Oh, and that moving into a new house thing, which is not in November, although Im starting to wish it was. Im tired but happy.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

to a daydrem believer and a homecoming queen

have i ever told you how much I love the song Daydream Believer by the Monkees? Just something about the "cheer up sleepy jean".. i mean, that is what they say right? Does that make sense? I shall google...yep thats what it says. its in your head now right? eez, dont read the lyrics thats a sad song.

right here right now

Currently reading:
Goodnight Nobody by Jennifer Weiner - not enjoying, as of page 142. Ms. Weiner should rethink her next foray into murder mysteries.

A Million Little Pieces by James Frey - love it, page 3.

Currently watching: Sex and the City, the one with the jeweled Dolce panties where Carrie falls down on the runway. Love this one. Just because of the closing scene. Tidy whities on girls, yay!

Currently eating: Nothing, because all food hates me

Currently working on: Abstract for technical writing class. Finding a desirable condo for under 350K (v. hard).

Trying to decide if: I want a glass of wine

Worried about: The 10 phone screens I need to do tomorrow. Also results of blood tests taken today.

Happy about: My hair looks nice. I need new shoes, and Ima gonna get some tomorrow. My ipod has 30 new songs on it.

medical safari

oh its been a rather crappy day. tasha the cat had a vet's appt today, and while that went smoothly, I did manage to lock my keys in the car while there. I must say that AAA shone today and showed up in 20 minutes flat. Then I had my own doctor's appt. For those of you who know me, you know that to say that I havent been feeling too great lately would be an understatement. So my doctor and I have been tasked with solving the puzzle that is my gastro-intestinal system. I was poked repeatedly today, starved and then bled (damn 8 hour fasting requirements) and later this week I have to go get an ultrasound. I can honestly say I didn't think I'd be in for one of those until un bebe was imminent, but hey, should be interesting. After all that, sometime next week, I hope, we will figure out maybe what Im maybe sick with. Oh, also Im supposed to eat Kashi cereal with soy milk. Its supposed to help. Help me lose weight from not wanting to eat a pile of mush, maybe. Ho hum. At least Im working from the comfort of my couch now.