it has been brought to my attention, and I must agree, that #49 on the 100 things about me ongoing project needs to be:
49) On the occasion of visiting a deli, I will order a BLT absolutely 100% of the time.
now that we've gotten started again...
50) Laguna Beach is fascinating to me. I love those silly kids.
51) I have very impressively misshapen baby toes. I wore heels every day 12 hours a day for two years. It happens.
52) My perfect day includes coffee, going buck-wild in a bookstore, sitting in a city park, great conversation, napping, and a couple of glasses of wine.
53) I am extremely sensitive in some situations, and almost callously uncaring in others.
54) I have a freckle on my lower lip. It rocks. I mostly wear clear lip gloss, dont like to cover it up.
55) I dont know why they make any underwear but thongs. I also dont know why I never cared about VPL before the advent of the thong. Maybe I was too young.
56) I dont much care for team sports, but I keep thinking I do. I sign up for stuff all the time.
57) I still love cartoons.
58) I am stubborn as a mule.
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