Tuesday, September 19, 2006

deep thoughts

If I ever wanted to open an online store selling pots, I would totally call it washingtonpots.com, because I mistype washingtonpost all the time and I bet it would get a lot of traffic

Monday, September 11, 2006


I can't write well enough to express my feelings today, but CityMama out in San Francisco has done pretty well...I give you her words. Also, happy anniversary to my sweet Tasha, who made my day much brighter 9/11/2004 and every day since.

"Our broken world wasn't always like this.

There was once a time when I could sit on a plane without furtively scanning the faces of everyone boarding, feeling nothing but shame for doing so.

In fact, there was once a time when we never had to take off our shoes to get on a plane and we could take all manner of liquids and gels on board. Also, pilots used to sometimes come out of the cockpits and walk up and down the aisles to stretch their legs. I used to love seeing them, and I especially loved when one of them was a woman.

There was once a time when I would be able to sit in a crowded theater and not think, "Look at all the people in here...together, in one place... What if...?"

There was once a time when I could walk into my favorite restaurant and didn't have to watch the owners regarding me with sadness behind their eyes, wondering if I was one of those people that thought they were bad.

There was a time when I didn't have to be the first person to walk up to the woman wearing a hijab and abaya at Back-to-School night and give her a warm handshake and tickle her baby's toes (something I would have done anyway) to distract her from the rude stares and whispering.

There was a time when I didn't have images of big planes flying into big buildings and people holding hands falling from windows and distraught loved-ones clutching photos and pregnant widows etched into my memory forever. Who could even imagine such horror?

There was a time when I didn't have to think about what the last moments of a talented pastry chef who just moved to New York from San Francisco to work in a restaurant high in the sky must have been like.

There was a time when 2,700+ people from 90 countries were alive and well and their families and friends were whole.

There was time when I didn't worry so much.

That time ended five years ago today. That time—no matter how hard times were—was like a beautiful dream to me."

Friday, September 01, 2006


When I was in middle school, the VMAs were always during the first week of school, which meant I was not allowed to stay up to watch the whole show. I was allowed to watch until 10 or 1030 or so and then I had to go to bed. This was probably more torture than not being allowed to watch at all until they were replayed (which used to happen far less frequently than the 24/7 repeats we see these days). Of course, back then, it was fact that there was something of worth in the second half of the show, something to actually regret missing. You can see where this is going.

I mean, yes, I actually do appreciate Axl Rose announcing the Killers, I do. Because the Killers are a good band and GnR is one of the best bands ever ever ever. But come on! The best part of the show last night was the sideshow, the Racounteurs. Did anyone else get the feeling that noone GOT the significance of those guest starts? Does anyone even KNOW the history of The Buggles in connection with the MTV giant?
I just felt like MTV was making a decent effort at recognizing good music and the crowd and voters just kind of went HELL NO, i want me some whiny shitty emo fucking mess like Panic in the disco (I'm not typing that damn exclamation point, you cannot make me) or god forbid Fall Out Boy. Who invented these bands? They suck! What's funny is that AFI kinda looks like them but you can tell that they are different because OH! their music is GOOD.

So here's the question - am I getting old, or is music getting bad. Because I like new bands, I do, a lot. The aforementioned Killers, AFI, and Racontuers all get a big thumbs up from me. That whiney shit and that blingy shit? Listen to it at the clubs, I don't give a fuck cause I don't DO clubs really, shit, I will even dance to some Kanye, I like Kanye. But not more Lil Wags or Big Pony or whatever the fuck. But do not give AWARDS to these people, man! You will regret it later in life. I mean, come on, I can justify Debbie Gibson in comparison to these people and WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME DO THAT?

And WTF is up with not giving awards to Madonna or the Chili Peppers, you heinous heathens?!?!

Also, I have not seen a video on MTV for some time. I tried this week. I think it happens when I'm asleep and at work.