Friday, June 24, 2005


A few of my favorite bloggers seem to be either contemplating throwing in the towel or have merely stopped writing. I am a bit disheartened, as well as encouraged, because I read about these peoples' lives, and it seems to be that they've got so much love in their real lives, they lose the desire to spend time in such a solitary and self-absorbed pursuit as blogging. it makes me wonder - were these blogs therapy to get them through hard times? did they ever expect to become celebrities of a sort? did they ever expect their blogs to open doors for them, to introduce them to lifelong friends?
I'm new to this world, so I don't know about bloggers past. I don't know if its normal for bloggers to rise and fall in phases. I know that I will miss my daily reads. I hope that I can write words worth reading, I hope that this will be therapeutic for me, I hope someday that I will feel so fulfilled as to not have anything to say.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Friday, June 17, 2005

left right left they all fall down

have I ever told you how much I love the song "Toy Soldiers" by Martika? Love it.

Thursday, June 16, 2005


so I was just annoying and weird is it that the iCal icon always says July 17th. And then I opened it. And when it minimized, it said June 16th. So I say, OH, ok, when it is open it has the right date. So I closed it. And it still says June 16th. I am like, sooo freaked out, man. whoa.

Monday, June 13, 2005

yay go!

several impressive events for the week ending 6/13/05:
1) I got a promotion
2) I spent 3 whole days in Louisville
3) I went to the gym many times, without making myself sore to the point of immobility
4) I rediscovered how much I rock.

I am, however, so tired today that I'm starting to hallucinate and the keyboard is actually looking like a nice fluffy cloud pillow. I should go home now, methinks. Definitely should not be composing company approved legal type communication.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

not a real post, don't bother

129. More exciting news to come this evening. Too busy, WAY too busy. Want to sleep.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

i'm getting an intern

sweeet dude.

Teach Me!

i just, right now, in the last half hour, got so super excited about this school thing. I'm actually smiling ear to ear right now. it might have something to do with this...I'm rather enamored of politics and journalism and economics and most things theory and policy. I started school as a political science major. I excelled in my political and economic theory courses. I loved learning. My current line of work is recruiting. Not ideal for me - I prefer to research and to analyze and to write and to generally collect and apply information. Yeah, not so much of that in the world of recruiting. so I realized, today, that a chance has been handed to me. I can equip myself with a degree and experience that will get me the political/economic/policy analyst job. I can change this.I can do what I want. I don't mean to say that my job is anything but great - the people I work with are amazing, and I am good at what I do. But to actually love what I'm doing..well, wow. So I'm going back to school. IM GOING BACK TO SCHOOL!!! My boss is gonna kill me.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


CNN is celebrating its 25th anniversary this week. Being 27 years old, this list of defining moments manages to span my entire active memory of this world. the big events my life, condensed into sounds bites.