Monday, April 16, 2012

have you tried Zuzana's ZWOW workouts?

ZWOW Workouts

I came across workout #12 via Fitnessista, and I gave it a try this morning - ummm, WOW indeed.

Workout #12 is 10 minutes (so innocent! 10 minutes only!)

You do:
10 pistols
20 lowjacks
10 burbees
20 lowjacks.

Repeat as many times as you can in 10 minutes.

Ya'll, I did 2 rounds. TWO. blah. lame. And my pistols didn't exactly get that low.

But then I felt better, because Zuzana only did 3. And she is in ah-mazing shape.

So I'm going to work my way through the first 11 of these workouts - and then there will be more! Awesome.

From what I can tell / have heard, these are really CrossFit type workouts. And we've all heard how hard core CrossFit is. There was a CrossFit gym next to my old apartment in Arlington, and before I knew what it was, I would often remark on the people running in and out of the door and around the block toting kettle bells. What ARE they DOING! they are getting in crazy shape, that's what.

I now have a HUGE arsenal of workouts, so I have the variety I crave. It is good.

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