July 11th
Q: If you were a literary character, who would you be?
A: Bridget Jones, perhaps? Although significantly more professionally successful. And in a happy relationship. So maybe Edge of Reason Brigde, minus the jail? Wait, no, I'm just not much like Bridget Jones.
July 12th
Q: ______________ is perfect
A: The minutes just after a summer rain storm. bliss.
July 13th
Q: What are you sentimental about?
A: Oh gosh, everything? My childhood.
July 14th
Q: Do you have a secret? More than one?
A: I do. just the one.
July 15th
Q: What is your heroic downfall? Your achilles heel?
A: i get bored easily. not much of a heroic downfall, is it? you'd be surprised.
July 16th
Q: Are you wearing socks?
A: Never. Except for when running or at the gym. I kind of hate socks.
July 17th
Q: How can you help?
A: I can spend more time volunteering like i used to.
July 18th
Q: What are the ingredients for a perfect day?
A: Summer. About 80. Fresh cup of coffee to start the day, maybe a big ole blueberry muffin. NYT Crossword. Sewing. Reading. Late brunch with the family. A nice long walk outside. Water, flowing in its natural state (river or lake or ocean). Sand in my toes. Crab feast and conversation with great friends. Cold glass of pinot grigio on the deck. More reading. Everything organized and clean. Crisp clean cool sheets and a cool breeze. Kitties sleeping on the bed. A small and perfect piece of dark dark chocolate.
July 19th
Q: What do you need to throw away?
A: I don't need to throw anything away, but there are things that could go to goodwill.
July 20th
Q: Does anything hurt today?
A: Nope, I'm good =)
July 21st
Q: Who was the last person to make you angry?
A: Hell, probably John Boehner
July 22nd
Q: Where do you go for good ideas?
A: To the internets! Seriously, there is a lot of inspiration out there!
July 23rd
Q: What was the last thing you baked or cooked?
A: I bake or cook every day! I made blueberry muffins this morning with fresh picked blueberries, yum!!
July 24th
Q: What's in your fridge?
A: Lots! Some leftovers (chicken caccitaore and shrimp). Veggies (squash, asparagus). Fruit (apples, grapes, papaya). Dinner ingredients (pork loin). Milk (Soy). Various cheeses. Ham. Bacon. Eggs. Coffee creamer. Ketchup. Fig Jam (yum!). Mustard, Mayo). Couple of sodas. Bottle of wine (which i may have a glass of one of these days).
July 25th
Q: If you could hire any artist, living or dead, to paint your portrait, who would you pick?
A: Well, if I was going to pick any artist to make a painting for me, it would probably be pollock. but for a portrait, I could go classic wharhol, or I could go klimt
July 26th
Q: Are you working hard or hardly working?
A: Working medium hard
July 27th
Q: What can you smell right now?
A: Nothing. But if I smell my wrist, I can smell the perfume I sampled earlier.
July 28th
Q: Write a phrase to describe your year so far.
A: In like a lion, feeling much more lamb like these days.
July 29th
Q: What was the last road trip you took?
A: How far do you have to travel to constitute a road trip? Out of state doesn't count, cause I can cheat with Maryland. I went to Raleigh, that's decently far.
July 30th
Q: Today was unusual because _______
A: It hasn't really been yet. I went to Middleburg, which is not a normal Saturday trip, but far from unusual...
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