Monday, March 19, 2012

a different kind of consumerism

have you noticed that everything is on sale, always?

I mean, just today, I've got in my inbox a $50 off a $100 purchase at Ann Taylor, a super mega stock up sale from Old Navy. Banana Republic pretty much offers at least 30% off every day. J Crew is not good about normal sales, but they will knock another 30% off their clearance with damn near daily frequency.

So, um, yeah. That whole, oh my goodness, that is such a good deal I better buy that now 'cause I won't have the chance at this price? That whole concept is gone. Except our instincts have not adjusted, therefore we still have the impulse, therefore marketers are evil geniuses.

I think its getting to be a bit much. Diminishing returns are in effect. I no longer go, oh my, better buy now, I go..meh. There will be more and potentially better stuff on sale later - or you know, maybe I don't need stuff and when a time comes when I do I'll just buy it. Novel concept, I KNOW.

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