Took these from Zoe at Pretty Zoo..I just really like them!
Have you ever won a competition or contest?
I have. I won an essay contest from the Optimists Club of Fairfax. I've won trivia contests a couple of times, received gift cards for restaurants, bars, Visa gift cards.
If you had a snail that could magically grant wishes, what would you name it?
Name three things you love starting with the letter R.
Rooster (my cat Bella's nickname)
Ravioli (mushroom)
How would you rank the colors of the rainbow from best to worst?
Orange. Blue. Red. Green. Purple. Yellow.
Fill in the blank: I am a closet _______ fan.
Bethanny Ever After. Hush.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
7/11 - 7/30 365
July 11th
Q: If you were a literary character, who would you be?
A: Bridget Jones, perhaps? Although significantly more professionally successful. And in a happy relationship. So maybe Edge of Reason Brigde, minus the jail? Wait, no, I'm just not much like Bridget Jones.
July 12th
Q: ______________ is perfect
A: The minutes just after a summer rain storm. bliss.
July 13th
Q: What are you sentimental about?
A: Oh gosh, everything? My childhood.
July 14th
Q: Do you have a secret? More than one?
A: I do. just the one.
July 15th
Q: What is your heroic downfall? Your achilles heel?
A: i get bored easily. not much of a heroic downfall, is it? you'd be surprised.
July 16th
Q: Are you wearing socks?
A: Never. Except for when running or at the gym. I kind of hate socks.
July 17th
Q: How can you help?
A: I can spend more time volunteering like i used to.
July 18th
Q: What are the ingredients for a perfect day?
A: Summer. About 80. Fresh cup of coffee to start the day, maybe a big ole blueberry muffin. NYT Crossword. Sewing. Reading. Late brunch with the family. A nice long walk outside. Water, flowing in its natural state (river or lake or ocean). Sand in my toes. Crab feast and conversation with great friends. Cold glass of pinot grigio on the deck. More reading. Everything organized and clean. Crisp clean cool sheets and a cool breeze. Kitties sleeping on the bed. A small and perfect piece of dark dark chocolate.
July 19th
Q: What do you need to throw away?
A: I don't need to throw anything away, but there are things that could go to goodwill.
July 20th
Q: Does anything hurt today?
A: Nope, I'm good =)
July 21st
Q: Who was the last person to make you angry?
A: Hell, probably John Boehner
July 22nd
Q: Where do you go for good ideas?
A: To the internets! Seriously, there is a lot of inspiration out there!
July 23rd
Q: What was the last thing you baked or cooked?
A: I bake or cook every day! I made blueberry muffins this morning with fresh picked blueberries, yum!!
July 24th
Q: What's in your fridge?
A: Lots! Some leftovers (chicken caccitaore and shrimp). Veggies (squash, asparagus). Fruit (apples, grapes, papaya). Dinner ingredients (pork loin). Milk (Soy). Various cheeses. Ham. Bacon. Eggs. Coffee creamer. Ketchup. Fig Jam (yum!). Mustard, Mayo). Couple of sodas. Bottle of wine (which i may have a glass of one of these days).
July 25th
Q: If you could hire any artist, living or dead, to paint your portrait, who would you pick?
A: Well, if I was going to pick any artist to make a painting for me, it would probably be pollock. but for a portrait, I could go classic wharhol, or I could go klimt
July 26th
Q: Are you working hard or hardly working?
A: Working medium hard
July 27th
Q: What can you smell right now?
A: Nothing. But if I smell my wrist, I can smell the perfume I sampled earlier.
July 28th
Q: Write a phrase to describe your year so far.
A: In like a lion, feeling much more lamb like these days.
July 29th
Q: What was the last road trip you took?
A: How far do you have to travel to constitute a road trip? Out of state doesn't count, cause I can cheat with Maryland. I went to Raleigh, that's decently far.
July 30th
Q: Today was unusual because _______
A: It hasn't really been yet. I went to Middleburg, which is not a normal Saturday trip, but far from unusual...
Q: If you were a literary character, who would you be?
A: Bridget Jones, perhaps? Although significantly more professionally successful. And in a happy relationship. So maybe Edge of Reason Brigde, minus the jail? Wait, no, I'm just not much like Bridget Jones.
July 12th
Q: ______________ is perfect
A: The minutes just after a summer rain storm. bliss.
July 13th
Q: What are you sentimental about?
A: Oh gosh, everything? My childhood.
July 14th
Q: Do you have a secret? More than one?
A: I do. just the one.
July 15th
Q: What is your heroic downfall? Your achilles heel?
A: i get bored easily. not much of a heroic downfall, is it? you'd be surprised.
July 16th
Q: Are you wearing socks?
A: Never. Except for when running or at the gym. I kind of hate socks.
July 17th
Q: How can you help?
A: I can spend more time volunteering like i used to.
July 18th
Q: What are the ingredients for a perfect day?
A: Summer. About 80. Fresh cup of coffee to start the day, maybe a big ole blueberry muffin. NYT Crossword. Sewing. Reading. Late brunch with the family. A nice long walk outside. Water, flowing in its natural state (river or lake or ocean). Sand in my toes. Crab feast and conversation with great friends. Cold glass of pinot grigio on the deck. More reading. Everything organized and clean. Crisp clean cool sheets and a cool breeze. Kitties sleeping on the bed. A small and perfect piece of dark dark chocolate.
July 19th
Q: What do you need to throw away?
A: I don't need to throw anything away, but there are things that could go to goodwill.
July 20th
Q: Does anything hurt today?
A: Nope, I'm good =)
July 21st
Q: Who was the last person to make you angry?
A: Hell, probably John Boehner
July 22nd
Q: Where do you go for good ideas?
A: To the internets! Seriously, there is a lot of inspiration out there!
July 23rd
Q: What was the last thing you baked or cooked?
A: I bake or cook every day! I made blueberry muffins this morning with fresh picked blueberries, yum!!
July 24th
Q: What's in your fridge?
A: Lots! Some leftovers (chicken caccitaore and shrimp). Veggies (squash, asparagus). Fruit (apples, grapes, papaya). Dinner ingredients (pork loin). Milk (Soy). Various cheeses. Ham. Bacon. Eggs. Coffee creamer. Ketchup. Fig Jam (yum!). Mustard, Mayo). Couple of sodas. Bottle of wine (which i may have a glass of one of these days).
July 25th
Q: If you could hire any artist, living or dead, to paint your portrait, who would you pick?
A: Well, if I was going to pick any artist to make a painting for me, it would probably be pollock. but for a portrait, I could go classic wharhol, or I could go klimt
July 26th
Q: Are you working hard or hardly working?
A: Working medium hard
July 27th
Q: What can you smell right now?
A: Nothing. But if I smell my wrist, I can smell the perfume I sampled earlier.
July 28th
Q: Write a phrase to describe your year so far.
A: In like a lion, feeling much more lamb like these days.
July 29th
Q: What was the last road trip you took?
A: How far do you have to travel to constitute a road trip? Out of state doesn't count, cause I can cheat with Maryland. I went to Raleigh, that's decently far.
July 30th
Q: Today was unusual because _______
A: It hasn't really been yet. I went to Middleburg, which is not a normal Saturday trip, but far from unusual...
i heart the weekend
hey, here's something brand new for ya - saturday sara! i never take weekend pics. but I thought I would today. So here's me, upon return from Post Office and Starbucks this morning.

that T is from anthropologie, the sandals are old navy. and the skirt? the skirt is handmade, by me. last night, while simultaneously making dinner. because i am awesome.
seriously, its a little wonky, but i made a piece of clothing, without a pattern, from a picture in my head, and it turned out to be something i will wear often. crazy. loving it.
in other news, i can't seem to find my question a day book....but when i find it i have catch up to do!

that T is from anthropologie, the sandals are old navy. and the skirt? the skirt is handmade, by me. last night, while simultaneously making dinner. because i am awesome.
seriously, its a little wonky, but i made a piece of clothing, without a pattern, from a picture in my head, and it turned out to be something i will wear often. crazy. loving it.
in other news, i can't seem to find my question a day book....but when i find it i have catch up to do!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
24 like agent jack bauer. but not really.
I won't pretend this was a conscious choice, but my outfit did happen to be in my 30 for 30 today, so I guess this is number 24. But lets be honest, its not really, now is it?
I got highlights in my hair yesterday, and I like them a lot, except for the fact that I don't like the look of brand new highlights. I love them, when they grow out juuuust a little. But that's ok.
I also got my brows done and they are still are irritated. Booo hiss. Also, maybe a little crooked. Not sure.
Don't you hate in when you drop a boatload of cash on self-beautifying and the results are kind of, yeah, that's pretty good.
Although..I also got the hair professionally blow dried and that pretty much makes up for anything else. I really need to hire someone to do that for me twice a week. I'll pay decently. Who's up for it?
So yep, this is what I'm wearing today:

We'll call this 24. This is 10+15+20, if you were curious.
Shoes: Nine West
Necklace: Eastern Market
Bracelet/Rings: Tiffany
Hair: Fabulous.
I got highlights in my hair yesterday, and I like them a lot, except for the fact that I don't like the look of brand new highlights. I love them, when they grow out juuuust a little. But that's ok.
I also got my brows done and they are still are irritated. Booo hiss. Also, maybe a little crooked. Not sure.
Don't you hate in when you drop a boatload of cash on self-beautifying and the results are kind of, yeah, that's pretty good.
Although..I also got the hair professionally blow dried and that pretty much makes up for anything else. I really need to hire someone to do that for me twice a week. I'll pay decently. Who's up for it?
So yep, this is what I'm wearing today:

We'll call this 24. This is 10+15+20, if you were curious.
Shoes: Nine West
Necklace: Eastern Market
Bracelet/Rings: Tiffany
Hair: Fabulous.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
just a wednesday
I don't have much to say today...hmmmm.
okay, here's my outfit. No, not 30 for 30. I get like a D minus on 30 for 30 I think.

Top: J Crew
Sweater: J Crew
Pants: Victorias Secret
Shoes: Nine West
Necklace: Banana Republic
Bracelet/Rings: Tiffanys
okay, here's my outfit. No, not 30 for 30. I get like a D minus on 30 for 30 I think.

Top: J Crew
Sweater: J Crew
Pants: Victorias Secret
Shoes: Nine West
Necklace: Banana Republic
Bracelet/Rings: Tiffanys
Monday, July 25, 2011
Week 12 recap / Week 13 Goals
Good Monday morning! Still hot.
Week 12 Goals
1) No processed crap from the work kitchen at all! (this is a goal I've used in the past, and a good reminder to take my happy ass to the whole foods for a salad if I'm hungry)
Done, a success, woohoo!
2) Its supposed to be eleventybillion this week outside, so I'm gonna say take it to the gym x 3
3) Go on a daytrip down to Richmond (Carytown)
Tooo hot. Next weekend?
4) Finish the quilt!
Week 13 Goals
1) No processed crap (again)
2) Daytrip to Richmond
3) Try to finish the shirt I started sewing (patterns make me stabby!)
Week 12 Goals
1) No processed crap from the work kitchen at all! (this is a goal I've used in the past, and a good reminder to take my happy ass to the whole foods for a salad if I'm hungry)
Done, a success, woohoo!
2) Its supposed to be eleventybillion this week outside, so I'm gonna say take it to the gym x 3
3) Go on a daytrip down to Richmond (Carytown)
Tooo hot. Next weekend?
4) Finish the quilt!
Week 13 Goals
1) No processed crap (again)
2) Daytrip to Richmond
3) Try to finish the shirt I started sewing (patterns make me stabby!)
Thursday, July 21, 2011
nobody likes you when you're 23
This outfit isn't my favorite. But, they can't all be. In other news,
all other news..its really hot. as in over 100 everyday. and humid. i don't think we should subjected to dressing for work in this weather.
ok, here we go!

This outfit is 1+14+23. Okay, I almost mentioned it yesterday, but this is getting weird. On day 21, I wore item 21. Same on day 22. Same on day 23. This has not been on purpose.
Belt: Tabolts
Shoes: Nine West
Necklace/Bracelet/Rings: Tiffany
I'm going to have my first acupuncture session in about 3 hours =) I'll try to get some pics of my lookin like pinhead.
all other news..its really hot. as in over 100 everyday. and humid. i don't think we should subjected to dressing for work in this weather.
ok, here we go!

This outfit is 1+14+23. Okay, I almost mentioned it yesterday, but this is getting weird. On day 21, I wore item 21. Same on day 22. Same on day 23. This has not been on purpose.
Belt: Tabolts
Shoes: Nine West
Necklace/Bracelet/Rings: Tiffany
I'm going to have my first acupuncture session in about 3 hours =) I'll try to get some pics of my lookin like pinhead.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
deuce deuce
Morning! I just thought it was Tuesday for a minute. It is Wednesday, right? Yes, Wednesday. Hate when that happens. Although better than thinking its Wednesday to find out its Tuesday.
Here's today's outfit - #22!

This is 3+11+22.
Necklace: Random vendor at Eastern Market (the best kind)
Bracelet/Rings: Tiffany
Shoes: Nine West
Here's today's outfit - #22!

This is 3+11+22.
Necklace: Random vendor at Eastern Market (the best kind)
Bracelet/Rings: Tiffany
Shoes: Nine West
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
inspiration from an unlikely place
I just hit on a bit of a treasure trove of old pictures. and I found this one (yes, there is someone holding up the other end of the door, Dana). I was 29 in this picture, so its just about 4 years ago, I think. This, for whatever reason, captures my goal weight. Weird, huh? So here it is, my goal.

Its not that far off. Its me, which helps. It is not my goal, however, to start stealing doors OR playing beer pong on said doors again. Although I weighed much less when I drank often. Hmmmmm. No.

Its not that far off. Its me, which helps. It is not my goal, however, to start stealing doors OR playing beer pong on said doors again. Although I weighed much less when I drank often. Hmmmmm. No.
Week 11 recap / Week 12 Goals
Morning! Its that time again for see what Sara didn't do this week! I kid, I kid. I did pretty decently this week.
One thing I talked about this week, and re-focused on, was my need to go outside my comfort zone! I need to start taking trips again. Small at first, and then longer and further away. So, this week, I went to DC. This doesn't really count, I do this all the time and live 13 miles away. But each week, I will be including a travel goal. It may be small, it may be the same for a couple of weeks at a time (I can't afford to travel every weekend, nor do I want to!). So there's that.
Here's how I did:
Week 11 Goals
1) Run outside at least 2 mornings - yeah, just once.
2) Take some time to relax and explore some thrift stores
this weekend! - farmers market/flea market, but same concept. Complete!
3) I have a very important appointment on Thursday - I'm taking the day off of work, but work is also crazy busy right now - I need to make sure my mind is only in one place at once!
I think I did successfully drag focus away from work for the first half of Thursday. Attention was paid to the appointment.
4) Get back on this 30 for 30 train, man am I a dirty cheater! And done. Under the wire.
5) Go on a date with Fred =) Yeah, he didn't want to go out for a beer. So we had steaks and deliciousness for dinner instead, and watched a movie. Was nice. I still want to go out for a beer (and I don't drink)...but its summer! Nothing better than a summer night. This weekend!
Week 12 Goals
1) No processed crap from the work kitchen at all! (this is a goal I've used in the past, and a good reminder to take my happy ass to the whole foods for a salad if I'm hungry)
2) Its supposed to be eleventybillion this week outside, so I'm gonna say take it to the gym x 3
3) Go on a daytrip down to Richmond (Carytown)
4) Finish the quilt!
One thing I talked about this week, and re-focused on, was my need to go outside my comfort zone! I need to start taking trips again. Small at first, and then longer and further away. So, this week, I went to DC. This doesn't really count, I do this all the time and live 13 miles away. But each week, I will be including a travel goal. It may be small, it may be the same for a couple of weeks at a time (I can't afford to travel every weekend, nor do I want to!). So there's that.
Here's how I did:
Week 11 Goals
1) Run outside at least 2 mornings - yeah, just once.
2) Take some time to relax and explore some thrift stores
this weekend! - farmers market/flea market, but same concept. Complete!
3) I have a very important appointment on Thursday - I'm taking the day off of work, but work is also crazy busy right now - I need to make sure my mind is only in one place at once!
I think I did successfully drag focus away from work for the first half of Thursday. Attention was paid to the appointment.
4) Get back on this 30 for 30 train, man am I a dirty cheater! And done. Under the wire.
5) Go on a date with Fred =) Yeah, he didn't want to go out for a beer. So we had steaks and deliciousness for dinner instead, and watched a movie. Was nice. I still want to go out for a beer (and I don't drink)...but its summer! Nothing better than a summer night. This weekend!
Week 12 Goals
1) No processed crap from the work kitchen at all! (this is a goal I've used in the past, and a good reminder to take my happy ass to the whole foods for a salad if I'm hungry)
2) Its supposed to be eleventybillion this week outside, so I'm gonna say take it to the gym x 3
3) Go on a daytrip down to Richmond (Carytown)
4) Finish the quilt!
After my not so brief hiatus from 30 for 30, I am, as they say, re-committed to the cause. Its a little difficult to jump back in, but I like to finish what I start, dang it.
That said, here is outfit number 21!

Oh right, I need to figure out which numbers these items are...i'm out of practice..
This is 7+15+21!
Shoes: Nine West
Necklace/Bracelet/Rings: Tiffany.
That said, here is outfit number 21!

Oh right, I need to figure out which numbers these items are...i'm out of practice..
This is 7+15+21!
Shoes: Nine West
Necklace/Bracelet/Rings: Tiffany.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
in which icky things are discussed
on Thursday, I went for my first appointment with an integrative medicine specialist. Integrative medicine, holistic medicine - there are a lot of names for it, but what attracted me to her as a potential savior was three things 1) they really talk and really listen - and incorporate lots of different aspects of your behavior/habits into a potential diagnosis, 2) they sort of "start from scratch" and evaluate your body's function, not ignoring prior diagnoses, but not taking them as gospel either, 3) they have all kinds of approaches to treatment, not defaulting to prescription drugs.
I went to see her, not just for my panic disorder, but for my general feeling of "ickyness". i feel like crap, kind of a lot. My stomach is upset with fair frequency, i'm overly tired, i get muscle fatigue too easy, i feel dizzy and faint sometimes. All of this actually makes my anxiety worse, and the anxiety makes it worse. so over it. bringing out the big guns.
This integrative medicine specialist..she is not cheap. and she does not take insurance. now, my insurance will pay for some of it, but it will be after the fact, and it will be a small percentage, no doubt. it will help though. but, as i say, this women fixes me, she's worth her weight in gold.
All this as a prelude to what I want to tell you about. As i said, they do a from scratch evaluation of bodily function. I had so so many vials of blood drawn on Thursday. So much that one vein crapped out and they had to move to the other arm. i have matching bruises, its pretty. i would make a horrible heroin addict.
They took swabs of what I can only assume has DNA but really I just think of as spit.
And, I have to provide stool samples. Ew, right? I can hardly even talk about it. Three days in a row.
Except i'm two days in and I'm sort of over the gross and can now see the humor. The humor in the instructions that came with my little sampling packet. The euphemisms used, really truly, are amazing. You can just imagine the copy writers, sitting there, thinking, How can i avoid saying the word butt, poop, stool, really anything untoward at all?
They give you this awesome plastic contraption that goes on your toilet. Its basically a bucket that suspends over the bowl. I kid you not, the instructions go something like this..
Place the suspending plastic tray under the seat of the toilet. Place the removable collection basket into the suspending plastic tray.
Here is where it should say something like..Okay, now really, we mean it, poop in the bucket.
But it doesn't. It says "release the sample into the collection basket".
That kind of made my day.
I hope and pray that I never have to go through this exercise ever ever again in my life. At least i know I can handle it, I honestly wasn't sure i could. makes dirty diapers sound somewhat more palatable.
Yeah, so that's my life right now, haha. At least I have acupuncture on Thursday. Kind of excited.
I went to see her, not just for my panic disorder, but for my general feeling of "ickyness". i feel like crap, kind of a lot. My stomach is upset with fair frequency, i'm overly tired, i get muscle fatigue too easy, i feel dizzy and faint sometimes. All of this actually makes my anxiety worse, and the anxiety makes it worse. so over it. bringing out the big guns.
This integrative medicine specialist..she is not cheap. and she does not take insurance. now, my insurance will pay for some of it, but it will be after the fact, and it will be a small percentage, no doubt. it will help though. but, as i say, this women fixes me, she's worth her weight in gold.
All this as a prelude to what I want to tell you about. As i said, they do a from scratch evaluation of bodily function. I had so so many vials of blood drawn on Thursday. So much that one vein crapped out and they had to move to the other arm. i have matching bruises, its pretty. i would make a horrible heroin addict.
They took swabs of what I can only assume has DNA but really I just think of as spit.
And, I have to provide stool samples. Ew, right? I can hardly even talk about it. Three days in a row.
Except i'm two days in and I'm sort of over the gross and can now see the humor. The humor in the instructions that came with my little sampling packet. The euphemisms used, really truly, are amazing. You can just imagine the copy writers, sitting there, thinking, How can i avoid saying the word butt, poop, stool, really anything untoward at all?
They give you this awesome plastic contraption that goes on your toilet. Its basically a bucket that suspends over the bowl. I kid you not, the instructions go something like this..
Place the suspending plastic tray under the seat of the toilet. Place the removable collection basket into the suspending plastic tray.
Here is where it should say something like..Okay, now really, we mean it, poop in the bucket.
But it doesn't. It says "release the sample into the collection basket".
That kind of made my day.
I hope and pray that I never have to go through this exercise ever ever again in my life. At least i know I can handle it, I honestly wasn't sure i could. makes dirty diapers sound somewhat more palatable.
Yeah, so that's my life right now, haha. At least I have acupuncture on Thursday. Kind of excited.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
journal day!
Thanks to Danielle over Sometimes Sweet at it is journal day again! I love today's prompt - it reminds me of one of my favorite things on NPR - the "This I Believe" series.
The older we get, the more certain we get about who we are and what our purpose is. For me, a lot of it is still unknown, but as I make my way down my own path, I have begun to realize that there are indeed some inevitable truths that I know for sure. On your own blog, write a post that talks about "the one thing you know for sure."
The one thing I know for sure is that family is the most important thing in the world to me. There are a lot of unknowns in life, there are even unknowns about the future of family, the generations to come, what will be or not be. But I know that everything I am, what I know, what is good, who I love, where I belong, my history and present and future..that is found in my family.
More to pause..
The older we get, the more certain we get about who we are and what our purpose is. For me, a lot of it is still unknown, but as I make my way down my own path, I have begun to realize that there are indeed some inevitable truths that I know for sure. On your own blog, write a post that talks about "the one thing you know for sure."
The one thing I know for sure is that family is the most important thing in the world to me. There are a lot of unknowns in life, there are even unknowns about the future of family, the generations to come, what will be or not be. But I know that everything I am, what I know, what is good, who I love, where I belong, my history and present and future..that is found in my family.
More to pause..
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Week 10 Recap / Week 11 Goals
Here we are again, again! Time to look at my progress last week and set some new goals. The weeks are just flying by right now! I may give myself the same bigger goals 2 weeks in a row, as sometimes 1 week just isn't enough!
1) Finish unpacking and organizing my sewing room/office/guest room / I don't know what it is now.
I spent a LOT of time working in this room this week (tackling a big project), and I decided that I need more room. Which means more storage solutions/shelving. So now i'm looking into that. At least its a very functional room if not quite finished!
2) Spend a couple of hours on the garden. There are a lot of things growing that I suspect are weeds. Need to trim back the azaleas and stop the mint from taking over the planet.
I did this all day Saturday, and I was actually super sore on Sunday! From gardening! And the garden is looking much better.
3) Get a proper camera set up for pictures for this here blog!
I ordered my tripod woo! I'll play with it this weekend!
Week 11 Goals
1) Run outside at least 2 mornings.
2) Take some time to relax and explore some thrift stores this weekend!
3) I have a very important appointment on Thursday - I'm taking the day off of work, but work is also crazy busy right now - I need to make sure my mind is only in one place at once!
4) Get back on this 30 for 30 train, man am I a dirty cheater!
5) Go on a date with Fred =)
1) Finish unpacking and organizing my sewing room/office/guest room / I don't know what it is now.
I spent a LOT of time working in this room this week (tackling a big project), and I decided that I need more room. Which means more storage solutions/shelving. So now i'm looking into that. At least its a very functional room if not quite finished!
2) Spend a couple of hours on the garden. There are a lot of things growing that I suspect are weeds. Need to trim back the azaleas and stop the mint from taking over the planet.
I did this all day Saturday, and I was actually super sore on Sunday! From gardening! And the garden is looking much better.
3) Get a proper camera set up for pictures for this here blog!
I ordered my tripod woo! I'll play with it this weekend!
Week 11 Goals
1) Run outside at least 2 mornings.
2) Take some time to relax and explore some thrift stores this weekend!
3) I have a very important appointment on Thursday - I'm taking the day off of work, but work is also crazy busy right now - I need to make sure my mind is only in one place at once!
4) Get back on this 30 for 30 train, man am I a dirty cheater!
5) Go on a date with Fred =)
Sunday, July 10, 2011
7/1 - 7/10 365
Jul 1
Q: Water, ice or steam?
A: Water to drink and steam on the face.
Jul 2
Q: Today you cancelled ...?
A: Nothing!
Jul 3
Q: What was the last beach you went to?
A: Bethany Beach, DE. One of my very favorite places.
Jul 4
Q: ___________ is funny.
A: Gene Weingarten. Life.
Jul 5
Q: What is your motto?
A: Be in the moment. Strive for happiness. Let it out. Do your best. Stop and smell the roses.
Jul 6
Q: Who is your best friend?
A: Fred.
Jul 7
Q: What's the next book you want to read?
A: Then Came You by Jennifer Weiner should be arriving this week =)
Jul 8
Q: What do you have to lose?
A: That depends entirely on what the proposition is!
Jul 9
Q: Today was delightful because....
A: It was Saturday. It was sunny and hot. I worked in the garden, did a leisurely shop at Whole Foods, and made my favorite summer meal, BLTs.
Jul 10
Q: When was the last time you spoke to your parents?
A: Spoke, on Monday. Texted/emailed - throughout the week.
Q: Water, ice or steam?
A: Water to drink and steam on the face.
Jul 2
Q: Today you cancelled ...?
A: Nothing!
Jul 3
Q: What was the last beach you went to?
A: Bethany Beach, DE. One of my very favorite places.
Jul 4
Q: ___________ is funny.
A: Gene Weingarten. Life.
Jul 5
Q: What is your motto?
A: Be in the moment. Strive for happiness. Let it out. Do your best. Stop and smell the roses.
Jul 6
Q: Who is your best friend?
A: Fred.
Jul 7
Q: What's the next book you want to read?
A: Then Came You by Jennifer Weiner should be arriving this week =)
Jul 8
Q: What do you have to lose?
A: That depends entirely on what the proposition is!
Jul 9
Q: Today was delightful because....
A: It was Saturday. It was sunny and hot. I worked in the garden, did a leisurely shop at Whole Foods, and made my favorite summer meal, BLTs.
Jul 10
Q: When was the last time you spoke to your parents?
A: Spoke, on Monday. Texted/emailed - throughout the week.
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Week 9 Recap / Week 10 Goals!
Into week 10 already! Woohoo!
Here's how I did last week:
1) Take 3 long walks! And practice doing pull-ups!
I did a walk and a run along the same route, with the pull-ups thing. 1 run counts as 2 walks, right? I am running in the mornings now. Which is the only time when its this hot that I can! Unless it rains - I love to run, or do anything outside, right after a rain.
2) Do the damn book thing
I didn't do the damn book thing. Perhaps I want the books.
3) Put this concept into place at work. Goals each week.
I did research into two things a few things. A couple of university cert programs / grad school programs, as well as a professional certification program that is a 9 class deal that I have 1 class completed for. They all cost money, of course. I have to decide where I want to put my money and where makes the most sense in terms of credentials for my next step.
4) Do some soul searching about work. I know where I think I want my career to go - time to put an action plan in place. Actually, this one first, then #3.
See number 3. I need additional education if I really want to take my career where I want it - that means grad school. Research in progress.
5) Plan a vacation for early September (week after Labor Day)
Tentatively planning for the beach! Just need to find me a beach house to rent.
Here are my Goals for Week 10! A little same, a little different this week.
1) Finish unpacking and organizing my sewing room/office/guest room / I don't know what it is now.
2) Spend a couple of hours on the garden. There are a lot of things growing that I suspect are weeds. Need to trim back the azaleas and stop the mint from taking over the planet.
3) Get a proper camera set up for pictures for this here blog!
Here's how I did last week:
1) Take 3 long walks! And practice doing pull-ups!
I did a walk and a run along the same route, with the pull-ups thing. 1 run counts as 2 walks, right? I am running in the mornings now. Which is the only time when its this hot that I can! Unless it rains - I love to run, or do anything outside, right after a rain.
2) Do the damn book thing
I didn't do the damn book thing. Perhaps I want the books.
3) Put this concept into place at work. Goals each week.
I did research into two things a few things. A couple of university cert programs / grad school programs, as well as a professional certification program that is a 9 class deal that I have 1 class completed for. They all cost money, of course. I have to decide where I want to put my money and where makes the most sense in terms of credentials for my next step.
4) Do some soul searching about work. I know where I think I want my career to go - time to put an action plan in place. Actually, this one first, then #3.
See number 3. I need additional education if I really want to take my career where I want it - that means grad school. Research in progress.
5) Plan a vacation for early September (week after Labor Day)
Tentatively planning for the beach! Just need to find me a beach house to rent.
Here are my Goals for Week 10! A little same, a little different this week.
1) Finish unpacking and organizing my sewing room/office/guest room / I don't know what it is now.
2) Spend a couple of hours on the garden. There are a lot of things growing that I suspect are weeds. Need to trim back the azaleas and stop the mint from taking over the planet.
3) Get a proper camera set up for pictures for this here blog!
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
making of the things, part who knows
I made another thing I'm quite proud of. Its a cover, for my sewing machine. And its adorable. Check it out..

I'm now working on a quilt. Expect some time to go by before I can share that one =)Also, tried to follow a shirt pattern this weekend - humongous fail. Patterns just..don't make so much sense to me. Nor does sizing on patterns. Next attempt is a three step plan...
1) Purchase item of clothing from thrift store
2) Rip apart at seams.
3) Put back together.
And of course, step 4..learn. I'm hoping this makes more sense to me. Please.

I'm now working on a quilt. Expect some time to go by before I can share that one =)Also, tried to follow a shirt pattern this weekend - humongous fail. Patterns just..don't make so much sense to me. Nor does sizing on patterns. Next attempt is a three step plan...
1) Purchase item of clothing from thrift store
2) Rip apart at seams.
3) Put back together.
And of course, step 4..learn. I'm hoping this makes more sense to me. Please.
Friday, July 01, 2011
things i hath made, part 3
remember the making of the things? i've been making things. I made a potholder, and some cloth napkins, and a bag for groceries, and a banner/bunting. i'm having super much fun.
tonight! tonight I made something that, for the first time, is something i would actually purchase. in fact, I spent a lot of time looking in target one day for one of these. because I need one, you see, to hold all my jewelry that I take off when I go from work to the gym, rather than stowing it all in my sunglasses case, which can't be good for my glasses.
here's what I made!!!

they call it a pencil case, I call it a gym jewelry bag. same same. how cute! eee! i'm so proud.
and ya'll, it has a zipper. that's my first zipper. i'm double proud.
i think i'm going to try to make a shirt sometime this weekend. also? don't be surprised if you see me in a shirt of this fabric soon, i kind of love it.
tonight! tonight I made something that, for the first time, is something i would actually purchase. in fact, I spent a lot of time looking in target one day for one of these. because I need one, you see, to hold all my jewelry that I take off when I go from work to the gym, rather than stowing it all in my sunglasses case, which can't be good for my glasses.
here's what I made!!!

they call it a pencil case, I call it a gym jewelry bag. same same. how cute! eee! i'm so proud.
and ya'll, it has a zipper. that's my first zipper. i'm double proud.
i think i'm going to try to make a shirt sometime this weekend. also? don't be surprised if you see me in a shirt of this fabric soon, i kind of love it.
6/19 - 7/1, 365
oh, the slackiness. the slack! i have slacked.
I have a lot of catch up to do on my questions here..let's hope for some juicy ones!
p.s. long weekend, baby! wooo america.
Jun 19th
Q: What was the last personal letter you received?
A: Like a mail letter? real mail? addressed to me in a personal manner, and not about something tax/bill/catalog related? that would be nice thank you notes from my mom and grammy for mothers day/b-day respectively.
Jun 20th
Q: Write the first sentence of your autobiography.
A: Let's be honest, here, if I was really writing an autobiography, the first sentence would be painstakingly considered, and then revised into oblivion, before settling. and i would still fret. but since this is just question world...
"She burst onto the scene in spring of 1978, joining Bianca Jagger and David Beckham as a group of prestigious folks with a birthday that day in May. The Sex Pistols had played their final show, disco was in vogue. American cars may never be as great again. Mere months later, the Jonestown massacres occurred and Harvey Milk was murdered. What a strange world she came to know."
haha, i dunno, just playing around. that wouldn't really be it.
Jun 21st
Q: Who do you want to know better?
A: My parents. I know them quite well, but I love to hear more more more.
Jun 22nd
Q: What's the last movie you saw in a theatre?
A: I really have no idea. It may have been Sex and the City 2. That may have scared me away from theaters. I need to see Bridesmaids and Midnight in Paris. Like, yesterday.
Jun 23rd
Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: I'm not a big crier, except when i'm very frustrated. I get really really frustrated, and then I yell and cry. But I actually did cry twice recently, once about a Gray's Anatomy episode (I know), and once for a reason I'll tell you about later cause i don't wanna talk about it right now.
Jun 24th
Q: What's your next social engagement?
A: This whole damn weekend! Yay 4th!
Jun 25th
Q: Who is your closest companion?
A: That would be Fred
Jun 26th
Q: What's your biggest indulgence?
A: Clothes and dark chocolate, man. Clothes and dark chocolate. See also..vices. Ok, so its not big, but the thing I enjoy most that i get to indulge in occasionally? Afternoon naps on a weekday. Very rare circumstances.
Jun 27th
Q: When was the last time you ate pizza? What kind?
A: Love pizza. Let me rephrase, i love zpizza and homemade pizza by dad. I had zpizza on Wednesday night. Plain cheese.
Jun 28th
Q: If your mood were a weather forecast,you'd be...
A: Mostly sunny.
Jun 29th
Q; What are the top songs on your recently played list?
A: See: Bon Iver, Bon Iver.
Jun 30th
Q: What can you live without right now?
A: I can live without a lot..taking that literally. Figuratively, I can live without dressing room mirrors..what is that shit? why don't they make them flattering? I can live without all the fur that comes off the do they still have so much on them?!? You know what I can't live without? Your love.
I have a lot of catch up to do on my questions here..let's hope for some juicy ones!
p.s. long weekend, baby! wooo america.
Jun 19th
Q: What was the last personal letter you received?
A: Like a mail letter? real mail? addressed to me in a personal manner, and not about something tax/bill/catalog related? that would be nice thank you notes from my mom and grammy for mothers day/b-day respectively.
Jun 20th
Q: Write the first sentence of your autobiography.
A: Let's be honest, here, if I was really writing an autobiography, the first sentence would be painstakingly considered, and then revised into oblivion, before settling. and i would still fret. but since this is just question world...
"She burst onto the scene in spring of 1978, joining Bianca Jagger and David Beckham as a group of prestigious folks with a birthday that day in May. The Sex Pistols had played their final show, disco was in vogue. American cars may never be as great again. Mere months later, the Jonestown massacres occurred and Harvey Milk was murdered. What a strange world she came to know."
haha, i dunno, just playing around. that wouldn't really be it.
Jun 21st
Q: Who do you want to know better?
A: My parents. I know them quite well, but I love to hear more more more.
Jun 22nd
Q: What's the last movie you saw in a theatre?
A: I really have no idea. It may have been Sex and the City 2. That may have scared me away from theaters. I need to see Bridesmaids and Midnight in Paris. Like, yesterday.
Jun 23rd
Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: I'm not a big crier, except when i'm very frustrated. I get really really frustrated, and then I yell and cry. But I actually did cry twice recently, once about a Gray's Anatomy episode (I know), and once for a reason I'll tell you about later cause i don't wanna talk about it right now.
Jun 24th
Q: What's your next social engagement?
A: This whole damn weekend! Yay 4th!
Jun 25th
Q: Who is your closest companion?
A: That would be Fred
Jun 26th
Q: What's your biggest indulgence?
A: Clothes and dark chocolate, man. Clothes and dark chocolate. See also..vices. Ok, so its not big, but the thing I enjoy most that i get to indulge in occasionally? Afternoon naps on a weekday. Very rare circumstances.
Jun 27th
Q: When was the last time you ate pizza? What kind?
A: Love pizza. Let me rephrase, i love zpizza and homemade pizza by dad. I had zpizza on Wednesday night. Plain cheese.
Jun 28th
Q: If your mood were a weather forecast,you'd be...
A: Mostly sunny.
Jun 29th
Q; What are the top songs on your recently played list?
A: See: Bon Iver, Bon Iver.
Jun 30th
Q: What can you live without right now?
A: I can live without a lot..taking that literally. Figuratively, I can live without dressing room mirrors..what is that shit? why don't they make them flattering? I can live without all the fur that comes off the do they still have so much on them?!? You know what I can't live without? Your love.
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