Saturday, February 04, 2012

full circle

here we are, the one year anniversary of starting my 5 year question a day journal. Exciting!

Feb 4th, 2012

Q: Outside, the weather is ________.

A: It's been a very mild weather, and its sunny and about 45 right now. Like last year, its predicted to rain and or snow this evening - but it won't be any real snow.

Just like last year, I'm very anxious for spring. I love love love spring. We've had plenty of 60+ days this year, so I can't really complain about this winter.

Feb 4th, 2011

Q: Outside, the weather is ______________.

(well dang, could have started with a more interesting question!)

Outside, the weather is..freaking cold. There is a 100% chance of rain and freezing rain this evening. Threats of freezing rain have been the weather theme of the last week. We got a decent snow storm last week and there are still snow piles around our driveway and sidewalks. I very much wish it would stop freezing raining and start snowing. I really dislike winter but as long as it is going to be cold, I would like it to snow. I'm sure Chicago-ans are not feeling me on this one right now.

February and March are always a bit tough for me as I get so excited about Spring on its way. Usually, we get a freak 70-degree day thrown in there somewhere, which keeps me going. Not this year! One thing that IS very nice though is that there is still some light left in the day again - as long as I get out of work by 530. The days getting longer brings a smile to my face!

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