Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Week 2 Report / Week 3 Goals

My report on Week 2 is just SAD, because I twisted my ankle on Tuesday morning. In the parking lot of Safeway. Fell right on my ass. It was awesome. running. No pedicure.

Run outside 3 times this week BEFORE WORK. - See above, Fail.

Again, don't eat any of that processed packaged crap available to you at work. - Ding ding ding!! Did good here this week! No processed crap!

Go through closet and dresser and select items for ebay/goodwill. post ebay items. - Winner winner again! I did this too. I've got 6 blouses up on ebay right now if you are at all curious..

Don't buy anything except food, gas, and household items(this would mean TP, not art or chair)...(and pedicure). - And again, pretty good! I bought 20 records, at $1 a piece, and the thrift store. I don't count those.

Get a pedicure. - See above, Fail.

Week 3 Goals!

1) Were gonna stay onboard with that "don't eat any of that processed packaged crap available to you at work" theme - seems to be a good reminder.

2) Finish decorating the master bedroom and my office

3) Get that dang pedicure.

That's enough, really, that's a lot.

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