Wednesday, June 08, 2011

6/6, 6/7, 6/8 265

Jun 6th
Q: Which family member are you closest to?
A: Well, there are only 4 of us in the blood family sense, and we are a very tight knit group. I'll happily talk to any of my family members about anything. Really, anything. Well maybe not to my dad about any details regarding sex and or womanly functions.

Jun 7th
Q: What do you feel grateful for today?
A: I am grateful for so much in my life..My family, Fred, my two wonderful cats, my home, my job, my whole life really.

Jun 8th
Q: What makes you miserable?
A: The dead of winter, and the sun setting before I leave work. Panic attacks. Boredom. Feeling nauseated. Toothaches.

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